Gujarat Cyber Police has taken strict action on Chinese loan apps. On the basis of 932 complaints filed so far against the micro lending app, 419 Chinese apps have been banned. These apps have been removed from the Android Market. Police had identified 885 such mobile applications. Gujarat Cyber Police may soon take action on remaining other Chinese applications.
Users’ data is misused
An inspector of cybercrime wing told that cyber thugs send messages to people that if they want to avail microloan then download mobile app. Mobile users have to give consent for the app to access their contacts, images, videos and all other digital content in order to get loan approval. Still not everyone gets the loan. Cyber thugs scan through photos and messages of mobile users. Once they are convinced that the personal data can be used to withdraw money, they proceed with the loan application.
Apps are hosted from Hong Kong and China
Police said that since March 2022 till now 932 complaints have been registered. People’s data is being compromised through Chinese and Nepali apps. Taking quick action in this situation, 419 apps have been banned and removed. Police said that these apps were being hosted on servers in Hong Kong and many other cities of China. Is
20 thousand rupees loan is increased to 30 thousand rupees
The police officer said that usually the loan amount starts from Rs 15,000 and is given at 15 to 20% interest. When the target returns the amount on time, the thugs give a loan of Rs 20,000 and then increase it to Rs 30,000. Now the extortion has started. The app’s hosts then morph the photos or videos and send them to people in the user’s contact list to coerce them into paying.
Every time Chinese apps get listed in Google with a new name
Through the app, cyber fraudsters implicate friends and family of users in blackmail, extortion and abuse. The police officer said, “Every time we ask Google to remove Chinese apps from the Play Store, they reappear under some other name. For example, if an app called GoRupee is deleted, it will come back as GoRupiya.
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