every woman must have these 5 vitamins


Women become so busy with office, home, children and social responsibilities that they do not have time to focus on themselves. This directly affects their health. Nowadays, women are becoming victims of obesity, thyroid, gastric problems, blood pressure, depression, arthritis, diabetes, etc. at a very young age along with problems related to skin and hair. The biggest reason for this is their increasing carelessness towards health. The body needs adequate nutrition to remain physically and mentally active throughout the day. Lack of nutrients in the body can make you a victim of lifestyle disorder.

Keeping these things in mind, today Health Shots has brought for you, information about 5 such special vitamins (vitamins for women) which are very important for women. These vitamins provide enough energy to the body and boost immunity. Also beneficial for your overall health. So let’s know why these vitamins are so important for us.

Learn here about those 5 important vitamins which are very important for women’s health.

1. Iron

According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, iron helps in the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a type of protein present in red blood cells. It transfers an appropriate amount of oxygen throughout the body. This essential nutrient provides adequate energy to the body and also maintains immune function. Usually, women lose a lot of blood during periods and pregnancy, so it is very important to have the right amount of iron in the body.

To maintain proper amount of iron in the body, include foods like green leafy vegetables, seeds, dry fruits, beans, fish in your regular diet. Also, the proper amount of vitamin C increases the absorption of iron in the body.

Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. picture shutterstock

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2. Vitamin B12

According to the National Institute of Health, the proper amount of vitamin B12 in the body improves brain function and mood. Also provides enough energy to the body. It maintains the nervous system by regulating blood cells. Lack of Vitamin B12 in the body can lead to problems like fatigue and weakness.

To maintain its proper amount in the body, you can include plant-based milk such as almond and coconut milk, cereals, cheese, mushrooms, eggs, etc. in your diet.

3. Vitamin D

According to the study published by the National Library of Medicine, adequate amount of Vitamin D in the body is very important for the health of teeth and gums. It boosts immunity and reduces the risk of heart related problems. Also strengthens bones and improves brain and muscle function.

Fish, eggs, cereals, orange juice, tofu, fatty fish and vitamin D supplements can be included in your diet to maintain a proper amount of vitamin D in the body. Along with this, try to spend some time in the morning sun.

vitamin d deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to depression, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, asthma, and high cholesterol. Image: shutterstock

4. Calcium

Calcium is an important vitamin for women’s health. According to the National Library of Medicine, adequate amounts of calcium are beneficial for maintaining bone health as well as heart health. It maintains the nervous system and improves muscle function. Women who are deficient in calcium are at risk of arthritis and other joint problems. There is a deficiency of calcium in the body during menopause, so during that time consume more and more calcium-rich foods.

To maintain adequate calcium in the body, include dairy products such as milk, curd, buttermilk in your diet. Along with this, sufficient amount of calcium is also present in green leafy vegetables, almonds, spinach, chia seeds, soybean and tofu.

5. Biotin

Biotin maintains the health of hair, skin and nails. It promotes feminine beauty, such as making hair thicker and stronger, helping skin to remain problem free and providing a natural glow. Not only this, a proper amount of it in the body is very beneficial for digestion. It helps you stay fit while boosting metabolism. At the same time, from heart health to nervous system, it is beneficial for our overall health.

Include foods like pulses, seeds, nuts, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, bananas and broccoli in your diet to maintain its proper amount in the body.

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