ESDI: Until tomorrow the applications for the admission of 142 students


Tomorrow, Monday June 26, the deadline for submitting an application to participate in competition for the introduction 142 students in National School of Judicial Officers (ESDI). The competition regarding the filling of positions in the Political and Criminal Justice department and the Peacekeeping department is common and leads to the drawing up of a single table of final results.

We remind you that the number of admitted students is distributed, per direction, as follows:

  • Administrative Justice, 50 positions, as follows:
    – 4 positions of probationary lecturers of the Council of State
    – 6 positions of probationary auditors of the Court of Auditors
    – 40 positions of judges of the first instance of the regular administrative courts
  • Civil and Criminal Justice, as well as Peace Officers, 73 positions, as follows:
    – 62 positions of court of first instance judges
    – 11 positions of probation officers. C. Prosecutors
    – 19 positions of assistant prosecutors.

The stages of the competition

The introductory competition includes three stages.

  1. The first stage of the exams will be held at Thessaloniki from the 15th to 18th July
  2. The second stage will be conducted in Thessaloniki within the month September
  3. The third will be held in Athensa from December 1st to December 20th of this year

Candidates submit electronics applications for participation at the School’s secretariat In the competitionwhich have the character of responsible declarations, from June 12, 2023 until June 26, 2023.

The necessary supporting documents

Candidates submit:

1. Application, (which has the character of a responsible declaration) in which the direction in which the candidate wishes to participate must also be declared.

The application will be completed electronically via the link here.

In case the candidate wishes to participate in the competition for more directions, he must submit the corresponding applications.

2. Copy of degree Law Department of a higher educational institution. If the degree comes from a foreign University, it is required to be recognized by the D.O.A.T.A.P., in which case the D.O.A.T.A.’s act is submitted (in the same file.pdf) .P., the foreign title (in simple photocopy) and simple translation of the foreign title.

3. Copy of doctoral diploma Legal Department, for those who have and wish to testify. If the doctoral degree comes from a foreign University, it is required to be recognized by D.O.A.T.A.P., in which case the document of D.O.A.T.P. is submitted (in the same file.pdf) .A.P., the foreign title (in simple photocopy) and simple translation of the foreign title.

4. Copy of master’s degree Legal Department, for those who have and wish to testify. If the master’s degree comes from a foreign University, it is required to be recognized by D.O.A.T.A.P. whereupon the deed of the D.O.A.T.A.P., the foreign title (in a simple photocopy) and a simple translation of the foreign title are submitted (in the same file.pdf).


  • For a lawyer, according to the proson, a recent uniform certificate from the relevant bar association is required, which shows that: a. the candidate has or had two years of legal practice or, if he holds a doctoral degree in law, one year of legal practice and b. no disciplinary action has been taken against him.
  • For a court clerk, a recent uniform certificate from the relevant judicial service is required that: a. the candidate has completed three years of service in this position and b. no disciplinary action has been taken against him.
  • For Justice of the Peace, a recent relevant certification from the Ministry of Justice is required that: a. the candidate has the status of Justice of the Peace and b. no disciplinary action has been taken against him.
  • For Judicial Power of Attorney of the Legal Council of the State, a recent relevant certification from the Legal Council of the State is required that: a. the candidate has the status of a member of the NSK and b. no disciplinary action has been taken against him.
  • For a candidate who had or has the status of a civil servant, a certificate from the relevant service that no disciplinary action has been imposed on him penalty.

6. Secretary’s Certificate of the judicial council of the Court of First Instance of the place of professional activity or of the place where the candidate who has applied, to establish his morality and character.

The application must be submitted no later than June 26, 2023.

7. Photocopying police ID.

8. Recent certificate birth certificate or marital status certificate, showing the exact date of birth and nationality of the candidate.

9. For men candidates a certificate of completion or exemption from military obligations.

10. Criminal Record General Use (from the Primary Prosecutor’s Office of the place of birth)

11. Certificate on non-prosecution for the offenses provided for in article 44 and 45 of Law 4938/2022 (Α΄109), by the First Instance Prosecutor’s Office of the candidate’s place of residence or professional activity (if they are practicing lawyers).

12. Certificate about not being placed in legal aid by the Court of First Instance of the candidate’s place of residence or professional activity (if they are practicing lawyers).

13. Recent certificate of physical and mental health (two certificates). They are submitted electronically no later than June 30, 2023. These certificates are issued: a) by a pathologist or general practitioner, as applicable to civil administrative employees (art. 7 par. 2 of Law 3528/2007 (A΄ 26) and b) by a psychiatrist, Director of a psychiatric clinic of a state or university hospital or his legal deputy (article 17 par. 2 par. d’ of Law 4871/2021 (A’ 246).

The announcement in detail


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