Eating Dark Chocolate Lowers Bad Cholesterol American Heart Association Study Chocolate Khane Ke Fayde in hindi



Cholesterol can be controlled by eating dark chocolate, cocoa and almonds together.
In a study that came out a few years ago, these things were said to be effective for cholesterol.

Dark Chocolate Controls Bad Cholesterol: Total cholesterol level in our body should be less than 200 mg/dL. This level is considered normal. When it exceeds 200, then the risk of many serious diseases including heart disease increases. Generally, the amount of bad cholesterol in the body of people increases, which is considered dangerous for health. Bad cholesterol is called low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the language of science. When the amount of LDL increases, it closes the arteries of the blood and there is a problem in the blood flow. Obstruction of blood flow can lead to fatal conditions like heart attack and stroke. In such a situation, it is necessary to keep it under control. Some food and drink can reduce LDL.

Journal of the American Heart Association A study was published in the year 2017. It was found in this study that consuming dark chocolate, cocoa and almonds can help a lot in reducing bad cholesterol. Eating dark chocolate, cocoa and almonds together also reduces LDL particles and thus reduces the risk of heart disease. According to Penny Kris-Etherton, professor at Pennsylvania State University and lead author of this study, consuming chocolate, cocoa and almonds helps in reducing cholesterol levels, but these things should be consumed in small quantities only. Eating dark chocolate in excess can also cause many damages to health.

Know the 5 specialties of dark chocolate

Good quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and some other minerals.
Cocoa and dark chocolate contain a variety of powerful antioxidants, which can greatly improve health.
The bioactive compounds present in it can improve blood flow in the arteries and control blood pressure to some extent.
Dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity, which can help manage blood sugar.
Cocoa or dark chocolate improves brain function by increasing blood flow. It contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine.

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