Dim light before bedtime at night reduces risk of gestational diabetes research claims know how to prevent blood sugar



It was found in the study that due to bright light before sleeping, the level of glucose became uncontrolled even in women who were not pregnant.
Dimming the lights will reduce the risk of gestational diabetes in women.

Lower Risk of Gestational Diabetes: If there is a bad lifestyle and wrong food, then anyone can get diabetes, but some women get diabetes during pregnancy. This is called gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes has a dual problem. Firstly, the blood sugar of the mother increases, and secondly, many complications can arise in the child growing in the womb of the mother. That’s why every effort should be made to prevent gestational diabetes. Usually proper eating habits are advised for this, but in a recent research it has been claimed that if the management of light is done properly a few hours before sleeping at night, then gestational diabetes can be avoided.

This study has been done by the researchers of Northwestern Medicine. It was told in the study that pregnant women should dim the light burning in the room a few hours before sleeping at night. That is, dimming the lights will reduce the risk of gestational diabetes in women.

Dim the lights three hours before sleeping

According to HT news, according to researchers from Northwestern Medicine, if pregnant women dim the lights of the house three hours before sleeping or use zero watt bulb and dim the light of computer, smartphone or other gadget, then they will have gestational pregnancy. The risk of diabetes is greatly reduced. The study found that women with gestational diabetes were exposed to bright light before going to bed. On the other hand, the cases of gestational diabetes were not revealed in women who lived in less light and also used to exercise. Lead researcher Dr. Minji Kim said that our study made it clear that exposure to light before bedtime increases the risk of gestational diabetes manifold.

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It was also found in the study that due to bright light before sleeping, the level of glucose became uncontrolled even in women who were not pregnant. Although research has not yet revealed how bright light affects pregnant women, but it has become clear that it increases many types of health complications in pregnant women. Dr. Minji Kim told that this is the first multi-site study in which it has been found that bright light can cause gestational diabetes in pregnant women. That’s why pregnant women need to be careful. Gestational diabetes can cause complications in the womb of pregnant women. This also increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and dementia. Along with this, there is a risk of obesity and hypertension in the children born.

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Tags: Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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