Difference between original vs fake cumin and its side effects on health asli nakli jeera pahchanne ke tarike



Consuming fake cumin can cause stomach related problems.
On smelling fake cumin, the smell of cumin does not come from it.

Original vs Fake Cumin: The name of cumin is also included in the list of spices. While cooking, the use of cumin is very common. Along with adding flavor to food, cumin is also very beneficial for health. However, nowadays fake cumin is available in the market. In such a situation, keeping some things in mind while buying cumin, you can identify real and fake cumin.

Anti-oxidants, fiber, iron, copper, potassium, manganese, calcium, zinc, magnesium and vitamins are found in abundance in cumin. At the same time, the consumption of cumin is also helpful in keeping the digestive system healthy. But eating fake cumin seeds can also cause many health hazards. So let’s know about the way to identify fake cumin and some disadvantages of eating it.

what is fake cumin
Fake cumin is made from the flowers of the grass. Actually, a type of grass grows on the banks of the rivers, from which flower brooms are made. In such a situation, some people boil this grass in water and cook it in jaggery syrup. After this the grass is kept to dry. After drying there, the color of the grass starts to look like cumin. After which stone or slurry powder is mixed in it and filtered. In such a situation, this grass looks exactly like real cumin.

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Disadvantages of eating fake cumin
Where the consumption of real cumin is very beneficial for the stomach. On the other hand, by eating fake cumin, you can see many problems related to the stomach. Consuming fake cumin can also cause stomach pain and problems of stomach stones. Along with this, you are also at risk of getting skin infection. Apart from this, by eating fake cumin, the immunity of the body also starts decreasing.

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How to identify fake cumin
You can use water to identify real and fake cumin. For this take water in a bowl, now put some cumin seeds in it. In such a situation, fake cumin seeds will start discoloring within a short time.

Along with this, fake cumin also starts breaking as soon as it comes in contact with water. Apart from this, if there is no fragrance on smelling cumin, then understand that cumin is fake. (Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general beliefs. Hindi news18 does not confirm these. Before implementing them, contact the concerned expert.)

Tags: Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks


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