Dark chocolate improved heart health brain function and reduced inflammation boost feel good hormone use in Valentine day



Dark chocolate contains many types of antioxidants which prevent the formation of free radicals in the body.
Consumption of dark chocolate gives relief from stress and anxiety.

Dark Chocolate Benefits: A substance called cocoa is added to dark chocolate, which activates the brain very quickly. Its taste is slightly astringent and sweet. Many studies have been done regarding dark chocolate, in which the same thing comes out that if it is consumed in a limited way, then it has many benefits. According to some studies, dark chocolate makes the heart healthy and activates brain function. On the other hand, dark chocolate increases the hormones of serotonin and endorphins in the body, due to which the body gets relaxed and the person remains happy. That is, if you increase the intake of dark chocolate at the time of Valentine, your mood will be very good, which will make Valentine happy.

Consumption of dark chocolate gives relief from stress and anxiety. Dark chocolate contains many types of antioxidants which prevent the formation of free radicals in the body. This also reduces the effect of age.

benefits of dark chocolate

1. Lowers blood pressure-ht According to the news of Dietician Dr. Jinal Patel at Apollo Spectra Hospital Mumbai, said that the flavonoid present in dark chocolate manages blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart-related diseases. Although its low intake is beneficial.

2. Keeps away from heart diseasesDark chocolate reduces the risk of heart related diseases such as heart disease, cardiac arrest, heart failure, stroke etc.

3. Boosts Metabolism– Dark chocolate contains monosaturated fatty acid which helps in burning calories by boosting metabolism.

4. Beneficial in reducing weightAfter eating dark chocolate, appetite also decreases, due to which it is very beneficial in controlling weight.

5. Brain Health-Dark chocolate increases the hormones serotonin and endorphins in the body. These hormones are called feel good hormones. Due to these hormones, the body gets relaxed and the person remains happy. This also reduces stress and depression.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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