Clean the dishes with these 6 things, not the dish washer, the pan and spoon will shine like new



You can also easily shine the utensils with the help of natural things.
Use baking soda or ash to remove odor and grease.

Kitchen Hacks: Sometime or the other it must have happened to you that there are many utensils lying in the sink in the kitchen and dish wash detergent has run out in the house. In such a situation, either you go out to buy dish washing soap from the market or find some other way to clean it. But what if you need to wash dishes quickly or you want to avoid using harmful soaps. In such a situation, we have come up with some such options for you, with the help of which you can easily clean your utensils without using soap and easily remove the grease and odor stuck on the utensils.

Clean the utensils with these things

Baking soda
First wash the utensils with hot water and sprinkle baking soda. Lightly whip the soda on the utensils and scrub with a sponge. If the plate is sticky, then leave the baking soda on the plate for 5-6 minutes. After scrubbing thoroughly, wash the utensils again with hot water. Utensils will start shining.

DIY Cleaner
Mix 2 tablespoons of salt and juice of 1 lemon in 1 cup of warm water. Mix all the ingredients well with a spoon. Pour this mixture in the utensil and mix it well. Salt helps remove bits of accumulated food from dishes, while lemon removes odors.

wood ash
Wood ash has been used since time immemorial. With its help, you can easily clean the stickiness deposited on the utensils, remove the smell. To use it, sprinkle wood ash directly on the dish and clean it with a sponge and lukewarm water.

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rice water
Starch and citric acid are found in rice water, which can work to remove stickiness easily. For this simply pour rice water in the bowl and marinate the ingredients for about 30 minutes. After that, to remove the specific smell of rice water, scrub the utensils well and wash them with lukewarm water.

use of vinegar
Mix 1 cup of water and 4-5 tablespoons of vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well and spray it all over the utensils. Leave the utensils like this for a few minutes and clean them thoroughly with a sponge and warm water.

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Take 3 tbsp of baking soda in a bowl. Squeeze 1 lemon in it. Mix it and dip the scrubber in this solution and rub it on the utensils. Its use helps in removing both grease and foul smell from the cookware. (Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article are based on general beliefs. Hindi news18 does not confirm these. Before implementing them, contact the concerned expert.)

Tags: Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks


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