Bleach is done repeatedly on the face, there can be huge damage to the skin, know how many days bleaching should be done



Repeated bleaching can cause irritation and itching on the skin.
Those whose skin is sensitive, they should take expert opinion before bleaching.

Skin Bleaching Side Effects: Often women go to the beauty parlor to bleach unwanted hair on the face, to hide the dark part of the skin. It also makes the face clean and also turns the hair color golden, due to which your skin looks beautiful and clean. But, do you know that repeated bleaching can also be harmful for the health of the skin? Due to bleaching on the skin of some people, many types of side effects are also seen, in which the skin of the skin becomes dark. Boils come out. Let us know what can be the other disadvantages of bleaching.

disadvantages of bleaching
โ€“ According to a news published in, many times bleach contains some such elements and chemicals, which do not suit the skin. They also contain mercury, so their excessive use can harm the skin. Those whose skin is more sensitive, buy only good quality bleach product or ask them to use it in the parlour. Mercury can cause numbness of the skin. Irritation may occur. Also blood pressure can be high, sensitivity to light can increase.

According to studies, the use of skin bleaching products can lead to contact dermatitis. It is a type of inflammation on the skin, which occurs due to coming in contact with certain substances. There may be problems of redness of the skin, blisters, skin ulcer, dry skin, swelling, itching, burning etc.

Due to bleaching many times, there is a problem of nephrotic syndrome in some people. This is a type of kidney related disorder. Due to this, the blood vessels of the kidney can be damaged. The kidney is responsible for filtering out waste and excess water. Nephrotic syndrome causes your body to excrete too much protein in the urine. Due to this, there may be swelling around the eyes, swelling near the ankles.

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If you repeatedly do bleaching twice or thrice a week or a month, then avoid doing so. Especially, if your skin is sensitive then it should be avoided. Chemicals present in bleach can cause skin rashes, red rashes, pimples, flaky skin problems, blisters etc.

– Due to bleaching in some people, the problem of itching and burning on the skin increases so much that they do not heal quickly. In such a situation, definitely go to the skin specialist and show it.

When to bleach
Bleaching can cause damage to the skin as well as to the overall health. In such a situation, it is important that you bleach only once a month, if you do not feel the need, then it is better to avoid bleaching. When you feel that small strands of hair have started appearing more on your face, dark spots on the skin, spots due to pimples have increased, then only go to a good beauty parlor and get bleach done.

Tags: Beauty Tips, Fashion, Lifestyle, Skin care


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