40 lakh liters of oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico, loss of 8 billion rupees to America


40 lakh liters of oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico, loss of 8 billion rupees to America
Photo Credit: tv9hindi.com

More than 4 million liters of US oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. Because of this, America has lost billions of rupees. Oil spilled from a pipeline on the southeast coast of Louisiana. The pipeline has been shut down but the US is trying to determine the exact cause of the leak. So far the oil has not reached the shore but the lives of marine animals are at risk.

The oil spill was discovered amid strong winds in the Gulf. Due to this, some of the oil vaporized and flew into the air and spread with the water. Capt. Kelly Denning, commander of the U.S. Coast Guard’s New Orleans sector, said sheen and spots were visible on the surface of the water. The oil spill occurred near a pipeline system owned by Main Pass Oil Co., a subsidiary of Houston-based Third Coast Infrastructure LLC, the official said. The pipeline from which the oil leaked is 67 miles long.

America has suffered a loss of 8.35 billion rupees

WWL-TV reported Friday that pipeline gauges indicated that 1.1 million gallons, or 4.07 million liters, of oil had been lost. Due to this, America has suffered a loss of 8.35 billion rupees. That amount is far less than the 2010 BP oil disaster, when 134 million gallons of oil were leaked and wasted in the weeks following the oil rig explosion.

Danger to marine animals

From dolphins to birds to rare whales, the Gulf’s marine life is once again threatened, the Center for Biological Diversity said in a press release. Its effect on living organisms is still being investigated. Two oiled pelicans were spotted off the Louisiana coast on Saturday, possibly affected by the oil spill, a US Fish and Wildlife official said.

Millions of liters of US oil wasted in 50 years

According to media reports, there have been at least 44 oil spills in US waters in the past 50 years, each spilling more than 420,000 gallons. Initial estimates suggest the new leaks are at least 1.1 million gallons, or more than 4 million liters, many times that amount. Thousands of small oil spills, one barrel less, occur in US waters each year. It has adverse effects on marine life.
