1000 years of ‘Alien’ shown in the Parliament of Mexico


Alien bodies in Mexico parliament Video Viral:A shocking claim was made in the parliament of Mexico on Tuesday. Here Mexican journalist and ufologist Jaime Mawson made a shocking claim and showed two bodies. He said that these two bodies belong to foreigners. He said that research has been done through carbon dating and both these bodies are more than 1000 years old.

The video and photo of this entire incident is going viral on social media. The video shows two corpses placed in a wooden box, which is claimed to be the remains of aliens. Both have very short stature and are said to have only three fingers on their hands instead of five.

According to information, the bodies of the two aliens were displayed in the Mexican Parliament in the presence of Jamie Mawson, an expert on unknown phenomena (UFO). It was said that these two bodies were recovered from Cuzco, Peru. Both the bodies were claimed to be 1000 years old. which were analyzed by a carbon dating process by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Mawson is also a journalist by profession and has been investigating aliens for a long time. Mawson said this is the first time such evidence has been presented. Former US Navy pilot Ryan Graves was also present during the demonstration of alien bodies in Parliament. He claimed that he had several UFO encounters.

What did the scientists claim?
At the same time, Jose de Jesus Zales Benitez, director of the Mexican Navy’s Health Scientific Institute, said X-rays, 3-D reconstructions and DNA analyzes were conducted on the remains. I can confirm that these bodies have nothing to do with humans.


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