Yoga Session: Keep health healthy with breathing exercises, will prevent many problems, know the right ways



Practice any yoga according to your ability.
Practicing breathing exercises will help in keeping the overall health better.

Yoga Session With Savita Yadav : If you improve the way of breathing and exhaling, then it helps in keeping away many problems of the body. For this, you can do regular breathing exercises, which improves the supply of oxygen to the brain muscles. Not only this, they also help in cleaning the track from the nose to the respiratory system and keeping the lungs healthy. Practicing them regularly can benefit the overall health. In this way, if we do Sukshyama, Chalankriyas, Sthulvyayam and breathing exercises daily, then the problems of breathing will always remain away.

sit like this
First of all, sit on the mat with both your legs folded in Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana or any posture in which you are comfortable. Make a posture of meditation and take a deep breath and leave it. Pay attention to your coming and going breath. Pronounce the word Om. You can also pray.

practice like this

first practice
Stand straight on the mat. Now keep the eyes in front and keep the body straight. Now take a deep breath and exhale. While doing this, the sound of breathing should be heard. Do this 15 times in the beginning. Stop the practice now.

Read also: Yoga Session: Do Sarvangapushti Asana daily to lose weight, Will be protected from many diseases

second exercise
Stand on the mat. Now raise your head and look towards the ceiling. Pay attention to the peak part, focus the eyes between the eyebrows. Now take a deep breath in this posture and release it. Do this 15 times. Now slowly straighten the neck and relax.

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third exercise
Stand on the mat. Now fix your eyes on the ground about 4 feet ahead of the big toe. Keep the body straight. Now take a deep breath and release. Do this 15 times. Then relax.

fourth exercise
Stand straight by touching your chin to the chest. Now take a deep breath in this pose and exhale. You do this 15 times. Then relax. Then slowly lift the neck and relax.

exercise five
Now spread both your hands straight on both sides. Now take a deep breath and raise your hands and while exhaling, lower them. You practice this 15 times. This will also exercise the comb and you will feel better. You can see the complete exercise on the video link.

Read this also – do subtle exercises regularly, Small postures will give you many benefits

Tags: Benefits of yoga, Health, Lifestyle, Yoga


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