World autism awareness day : Here is everything you need to know about autism


Some people cannot express their feelings. Even knowing about the tragic incident, there is no emotion on his face. We may be surprised to learn that the other person may be suffering from a specific mental health disorder. The person may be suffering from autism or autism spectrum disorder, a condition related to brain development. Let us know everything about what is autism spectrum disorder and how to care for a person suffering from it.

victim needs special care

Due to lack of information, in 90 percent of the cases, we do not understand this disease at all. A person suffering from this disorder needs special care. About this Health Shots spoke to Dr. Isha Singh, Director and Senior Clinical Psychologist, Child Development Organization Ananya. World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated every year on 2 April to bring awareness to this autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

World Autism Awareness Day (2 April)

The United Nations unanimously started celebrating April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day. It aims to emphasize the need to help improve the quality of life of people with autism. This will help them to be an integral part of the society and lead a meaningful life.

what kind of problem is this

It is a condition related to brain development that affects how a person behaves with others. He may have problems with social interaction and communication. This disorder can cause a person to have limited and repetitive patterns of behavior. In autism spectrum disorder, the term spectrum refers to a wide range of symptoms and severity.

how to care for autism child

Dr. Isha Singh explains, ‘The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder has increased a lot in recent years. The World Health Organization estimates that about 1 in 50 children is diagnosed with ASD. What is most worrying is that these children do not get timely help and support in terms of medical care. Whether it is a child or an adult with autism, there is a lot of stigma prevalent in our society.

Children and adults with autism face these. In many cases, children and adults with autism are seen as very smart and intelligent. They understand very well that they are being discriminated against, but they are unable to express their displeasure against it.

Whether it is a child or an adult with autism, there is a lot of stigma prevalent in our society. Image: Adobe Stock

Here are 4 tips given by Dr. Isha Singh for taking care of children (how to care for autism child)

1 Respect of the victim (Care)

When we meet someone with autism, what matters most is how we treat them. We show by our gestures and words that they are different from us. We should understand that they are also a part of our society. We should also express and show respect towards them by ending showing discrimination towards them.

2 Communication support

Individuals with autism may struggle with communication. Their communication can be awkward at times. We must understand that they are not doing this intentionally. On meeting others, they themselves start fighting. So instead of making them more uncomfortable, we should support them. they should feel great and welcome

3 honoring talentRespect)

Autism does not make a person backward in society. As a society, we all push them back. If we respect and support them, they can use their full potential like any normal person. can achieve their goal

Provide all possible help and care to the autistic child. Image: Adobe Stock

4 Therapy helps in the beginning

As soon as it is known that a child or an elder in the family is suffering from autism, they should be immediately introduced to a psychologist (prevention of autism). Although till now autism cannot be cured completely, but psychotherapy can help them to some extent and they can enjoy life.

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