Stomach bloating after heavy meal expert suggest consumption of onion with lemon to get rid of abdomen ache in 5 minutes



Luc Coutinho says that eating raw onion mixed with lemon can cure all kinds of digestive problems.
Prebiotic inulin fructooligosaccharides are found in onions, which increase good bacteria in the stomach.

Stomach Bloating after Heavy Meal: People eat heavy food during festivals. Many people do not have any problem with this and it is easily digested. While some people get upset stomach after eating more food. This problem is more after the age of 30 years. People eat many types of dishes in Holi. This causes problems for them later. The stomach gets bloated and the problem of bloating bothers. However, if the right precautions are taken at the time of eating, then there will be no stomach upset.

Holistic lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho has told on his Instagram that if eaten in excess and it causes stomach upset, flatulence or excessive heaviness in the stomach, then raw onion should be eaten in such a way that it Let the lemon juice dissolve completely. Onion and lemon juice can remove the indigestion of the stomach in a pinch.

Solution to all digestive problems

According to health experts, onion is such a thing, which can be avoided by including it in the daily diet. Sulfur compound like allicin is found in it, which is beneficial for the body. Onion is called the powerhouse of fiber. If we take a properly balanced diet and consume onion along with it, then it is considered the best way of weight loss. If lemon is mixed with onion and eaten like a salad, then it has many benefits. Luke Coutinho says that eating lemon mixed with raw onion can remove all kinds of digestive problems and stomach upset can also disappear.

how to eat onion

Sharing a short video on Instagram, Coutinho told that before eating, first squeeze lemon juice into the onion and mix it. Add lemon juice in such a way that the whole onion gets soaked in it. To avoid indigestion, eat onion and lemon juice before meals. This is a great starter. It contains a sufficient amount of fiber which can reduce the effect of the latter’s harmful substances.

onion tomato salad and benefits

Citing a study, he said that prebiotic inulin fructooligosaccharides are found in onions, which increase good bacteria in the stomach. This boosts immunity. Onion can be eaten in many forms. It can be eaten in the form of salad, chutney, chaat, vegetable gravy. If you make a salad by mixing tomatoes with onions, it becomes even better. Tomatoes contain a compound called lycopene which, along with onions, helps in the process of absorbing food. Although onion is not beneficial for everyone. One who has acidity problem or flatulence or who has irritable bowel syndrome should not eat onions. This may increase the problems further.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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