No gay entry in Virat Kohli’s restaurant? An explanation came after the commotion


Indian Test and ODI captain Virat Kohli is in the news once again. A group has claimed that homosexuals are not allowed in Virat Kohli’s restaurant chain One8 Commune.

There has been a lot of controversy on social media over this, after which the restaurant has issued an explanation. In fact, a post has gone viral on Instagram alleging that homosexuals are not being given entry to Virat Kohli’s One8 Commune restaurant in Pune, Delhi and Kolkata.

It was claimed that gay men were completely barred from entering, while gay women were allowed entry on the basis of dress code. Discrimination against LGBTQ is common in fancy restaurants, bars and clubs in India, and so is Virat Kohli. There was a lot of controversy over the post on social media, with serious allegations being leveled against Virat Kohli, some even calling it a fake post.

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However, One8 Commune has responded to the allegations on Instagram. One8 Commune said in a statement: “We welcome and respect all people without discrimination. As our name suggests we are always at the forefront of serving the whole community. According to industry trends and government regulations, we have a ban on stag entry. This does not mean that we are against any community or that we are insulting anyone. However, if an unintentional incident has occurred, we want that person to contact us so that the dispute can be settled properly. Our customers are our priority, building strong and lasting relationships with them is part of our system.

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