Lack of Sleep is Directly Related to Obesity, New Study Reveals


A large number of people around the world are suffering from the problem of obesity. A new study suggests that getting less sleep is a major reason for weight gain. This leads to accumulation of visceral fat around the vital organs of the body, which is dangerous for health. It has been told in this study that it is necessary to get seven to eight hours of sleep per day.

published in the journal Sleep Medicine Study Researchers have said that if a person sleeps less than one hour, visceral fat can increase by about 12 grams. In this study, the researchers wrote, “Sleep duration is negatively associated with visceral fat accumulation in adults. There is no significant benefit of sleeping more than eight hours per day.” However, along with this, researchers say that more studies are needed to confirm their findings. The research is based on more than 5,000 adults aged 18-59 who participated in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

The people involved had gotten about seven hours of sleep per day. Lack of sleep can cause many health problems. These include increased stress on the brain and changes in behavior. Visceral fat is located in a person’s abdomen and it can get deposited in the arteries. This can leak fatty acids into the bloodstream, causing damage to vital organs. Visceral fat surrounds many vital organs. These include the liver, stomach and intestines. This is not the same as subcutaneous fat, which lies just below the surface of the skin and looks like cellulite. It is not considered dangerous. Subcutaneous fat can be easily seen, while visceral fat is difficult to see.

In a study published last year scientists had given information about the biological reason for the increase in cold and cough cases in winter. He said that the body’s immune system is not able to fight strongly against the cold winds blowing in the winter season, especially the nose. In a study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, it was found that respiratory viruses first contact the nose. In the winter season, the nose is not able to fight strongly with such viruses.


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