Lack of potassium makes the nerves loose, life does not remain in the muscles, are you also a victim?



High amount of potassium causes the blood vessels to relax, which keeps the blood pressure under control.
Due to the deficiency of potassium, there are complaints of tingling and numbness in the hands and feet.

Potassium Deficiency: All types of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, etc. are required for the functioning of the body. If there is a deficiency of even one, then there are many diseases in the body. Potassium is such a mineral which is very essential for the body. Every tissue in the body needs potassium. It is also sometimes called an electrolyte because it conducts electrical charge to the body’s organs. This electrical charge activates the function of many cells and nerves. As such, potassium is present in many things to eat and drink. Despite this, there is a deficiency of potassium in most of the people.

harvard medical According to research, potassium is usually associated with sodium. In this situation, people consume more sodium and less potassium is available to the body. Potassium deficiency causes heavy losses. Due to this, the blood pressure becomes high and cramps start in the muscles.

problems with potassium deficiency

1. Risk of heart disease-According to the Harvard Health report, potassium and sodium are related to each other. Both maintain psychological balance. Both are related to cardiovascular diseases, but excessive amount of sodium is responsible for many types of heart diseases, while excess amount of potassium relaxes the blood vessels, which keeps blood pressure under control and reduces the risk of heart disease.

2. Weakness and cramps in muscles-According to the news of Healthline, when the level of potassium in the blood decreases, then suddenly weakness starts coming in the muscles. Due to this, the control over the muscles starts decreasing and suddenly sometimes cramps start coming in the muscles. This hurts a lot. Muscle contraction inside the bones occurs only when the brain relays the signal. For this, it is necessary to have potassium in the brain. When there is a deficiency of potassium in the blood, then the brain will not be able to relay these signals. In this situation the muscles will start getting weak.

3. Weakness and fatigue-When there is a deficiency of potassium, the first signs appear in the body in the form of weakness and fatigue. Actually, potassium helps the muscles in contraction, but when there is no contraction, then the muscles will start to weaken. It is natural that there will be weakness. Lack of second mineral will also affect the availability of nutrients in the body. Therefore it will also increase fatigue.

Tingling in hands and feetSome people complain of tingling and numbness in hands and feet due to potassium deficiency. This causes tremors in the thighs and hands. The reason for this is that the lack of potassium disturbs the balance of fluid in the veins, due to which the veins become weak and unable to send signals. This is the reason why tingling starts in the hands and feet.

5. Digestive system weak-Although many things are responsible for digestive power, but the lack of potassium can also weaken the digestive system. Potassium helps relay signals to the brain that cause contraction of the muscles around the digestive system. When this signal is not relayed by the brain, then there will be problem in bowel movement.

what to eat for potassium deficiency
When there is deficiency of potassium in the body, then take adequate intake of raisins, apricots, beans, leguminous vegetables, potatoes, squash, spinach, broccoli, avocado, orange, orange juice, tomatoes, dairy, buttermilk etc.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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