High intensity workout effect during the period.


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Nowadays women do not skip their fitness routine even during periods. However, there is no harm in practicing low intensity exercises and yoga during this time. But there are many fitness freak women who do intense workouts even during periods. It is true that exercising during periods completely depends on the individual physical ability of the woman. But there are some functions of the body, which work equally. In such a situation, any kind of tampering with them can be heavy on the overall health.

Exercising during periods is not wrong, but sometimes high intensity workouts during periods can affect your period flow and timing. That’s why it is very important to know how much exercise is appropriate during periods.

HealthShots spoke to Dr Rashmi Balyan, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Primus Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi on this topic. He told some important things related to high intensity workout during periods. Let us know about it in some detail.

To exercise during period or not?

According to experts, doing intense exercise during periods is safe for many women, but it is not possible for all women to be safe. Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different. Menstrual cycle is also affected by factors like age, health and fitness level.

For this reason, doing intense exercise during periods is safe for some women and not for others. Before exercising in periods, see whether your body is capable of it or not.

Before exercising, see whether your body is capable of it or not. Picture ; shutterstock

High intensity exercise can increase periods flow

In general, light to moderate exercise during periods is beneficial. Light exercise and yoga help reduce cramps, improve mood, and reduce stress. However, women who have heavy bleeding or severe pain during periods should never do intense exercise.

On the other hand, when common women also do high intensity exercise during periods, then your hormones start getting unbalanced.

Along with this, even when you are not on periods, sometimes you start bleeding. Along with this, blood flow also increases during periods as compared to normal days. At the same time, the flow of many people becomes very light and the periods of some people also get skipped.

If you are doing intense workout during periods, then keep these things in mind

According to the doctor, women who do intense workouts or even normal exercises during periods, should take some precautions. Stay well hydrated and listen to your body’s signals. If you do intense exercise during periods and you are experiencing pain or discomfort during that time, stop it immediately and do light and slow exercises next time.

Wear appropriate clothing during this time and avoid activities that increase the risk of injury such as jumping, running, weight lifting.

Read also: Wall yoga poses for period: These 4 wall yoga poses can give relief in period cramps

Security depends on individual situation

If seen, the safety of intense exercise during periods depends on the individual circumstances of each woman. For example, some women experience less pain during periods and some experience more pain. At the same time, there are many such women who are unable to even get up from the bed during this time, while some are not affected by it much.

In such a situation, keeping in mind your condition during this time, before exercising, do consult a doctor. Especially if you have any problems with your menstrual cycle, you should consult a doctor before doing any exercise.

Period cramp is hot and painful
If there is excessive bleeding or if they have severe pain, then they should never do intense exercise. Image: shutterstock

Experts are giving tips for safe exercise during periods

1. Instead of intense exercise, it would be more appropriate to do low movement activities such as Pilates, rolling and stretching.

2. Participating in yoga and meditation instead of intense exercise and workout will also provide relief from period pain and your flow will also be normal.

3. If you go for running on normal days, then it would be more appropriate for you to walk during periods.

4. If you are in periods then it is not wrong to give yourself rest for 1 to 2 days. Doing this will not affect your fitness much, but your hormones will remain balanced.

5. It is very important to ensure your energy level before participating in any physical activity during periods.

Read also: Rising heat can also affect your menstrual cycle, know what is the effect of mass on periods


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