Flaxseeds Cinnamon Most Effective easy Home Remedies to reduce high Cholesterol Ayurvedic Doctor Abhinav Raj Advice in detail



If the amount of cholesterol exceeds the limit, then it can prove to be fatal.
Ayurvedic remedies can be very effective in controlling cholesterol.

Home Remedies To Reduce Cholesterol: Due to poor lifestyle and wrong eating habits, increasing cholesterol has become common. Cholesterol level is also being affected to a great extent by sitting on computer and laptop for long hours and lack of physical activity. In such a situation, the risk of heart attack, stroke and artery block is also increasing. Cholesterol is called silent killer, because even when its level increases, no symptoms are seen. When cholesterol increases beyond limits, then people get to know about it. Cholesterol can also be controlled through some home remedies. You must be shocked to hear, but this is absolutely true. Today we will learn about such remedies.

of Uttar Pradesh Dr. Abhinav Raj, Assistant Professor, Prem Raghu Ayurvedic Medical College According to, nowadays people of all ages are getting worried due to increase in cholesterol. People usually start taking medicines when cholesterol increases. However, if some Ayurvedic remedies are also adopted, then people can get rid of this problem. Cholesterol can be controlled with some food and drink items present in the house. By adopting Ayurvedic prescriptions, along with cholesterol control, stomach problems can also be removed. Also, there is no risk of side effects from these things.

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Ayurvedic tips to control cholesterol

According to Dr. Abhinav Raj, cinnamon can be considered very effective in controlling cholesterol. It is a spice, which is commonly used to enhance the taste of food. Not many people know that this spice can eliminate cholesterol. Take a cinnamon stick, grind it finely and take a pinch of the spice every morning on an empty stomach with lukewarm water. With this, your cholesterol level will start decreasing in a few days and your health will improve.

The second easiest and best way to control cholesterol is the consumption of flax seeds. Flax seeds can be considered a panacea for lowering cholesterol. In Ayurveda too, linseed seeds have been considered effective for cholesterol. If you make powder by grinding linseed seeds and take it every morning on an empty stomach with one spoon of lukewarm water. This will lead to faster cholesterol level control and your digestive system will be fixed. Flaxseeds are rich in fiber, which improves the digestion system.

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Tags: Health, Heart attack, Lifestyle, Trending news


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