fasting sugar level 125 but Hb1ac normal; Is it diabetes? Know the truth from the doctor of Max Hospital



Dr. Paras Aggarwal says first check whether the blood sugar test is correct or not
If the test report is correct then you are in pre-diabetic condition

If Fasting blood sugar level above 125: The whole world is troubled by diabetes. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 422 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. Of these, 17 percent diabetes patients are from India. That means more than 8 crore people are suffering from diabetes in India. According to statistics, by 2045, 13.5 crore people will be diabetic in India. That’s why India is being called the diabetic capital of the world. The biggest reason for type-2 diabetes is poor lifestyle and wrong eating habits. In such a situation, it is advised to get a diabetes test done if there is a slight symptom.

Many times in normal people fasting blood sugar i.e. empty stomach sugar level goes beyond 125 in conducting the test, but the Hb1ac test remains normal after three months, so is it pre-diabetic or is it a sign of diabetes. News 18 spoke to renowned endocrinologist Dr. Paras Aggarwal to solve this matter.

first check empty stomach sugar correct

Dr. Paras Aggarwal, consultant endocrinologist and diabetes expert at Max Healthcare Gurgaon, told that in such a case, first of all we have to see whether the test taken on an empty stomach is correct or not. Sometimes the test is not correct. There can be many reasons for this. For example, less sleep, going late in the morning for tests, exercising etc. That’s why we should do proper investigation. When one or two tests are done properly and in that also the level of fasting blood sugar reaches beyond 125, then it can be pre-diabetic signs or can be signs of borderline diabetes.

if the actual fasting sugar is really high

Dr. Paras Aggarwal says that with precaution if you have done fasting blood sugar test in the morning and it is more than 125 but Hb1Ac is still normal then we should consider fasting blood sugar as correct. For this, even after eating food, get the level of blood sugar checked. If the post-meal sugar test is also increased, that is, more than 160, then it is a pre-diabetic condition. Although the metabolic memory test ie Hb1ac report is normal, then you do not need to worry that much. But if there is a history of diabetes in the family, then you have to be alert from now because you are on the borderline and you may have diabetes in the future. That’s why you have to avoid from now on.

How to prevent diabetes after coming to the borderline

Dr. Paras Aggarwal said that if you are on the borderline of diabetes, then you have to include many things in your daily routine. Since diabetes disease is related to bad lifestyle, so correct your lifestyle. Exercise daily, do walking. Don’t take tension. Keep yourself busy and the biggest thing is to improve your diet.

How to eat in pre-diabetic

It is most important to pay attention to food and drink in pre-diabetic condition. If your fasting blood sugar level has increased, then you should leave fried things, processed food, cigarette, alcohol etc. Reduce sweet food. Consume more green leafy vegetables. Include seasonal fruits and vegetables in your habit. Exercise daily. Increase the intake of bitter gourd, amla, jamun, dry fruits, spinach, etc.

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Tags: Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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