Bengaluru-based startup Bounce has launched its first electric scooter Bounce Infinity E1. Customers can book it from today. They will have to spend only Rs 499 for this. In Gujarat It is priced at Rs 59,999 Rs. The special thing about this e-scooter is that you can buy it without battery. For this, the company has developed battery swapping infrastructure. This will allow the user to purchase and charge the battery. That means the scooter will be able to run without charging the battery.
The company offers customers buying e-scooters two options. Buy the first e-scooter with battery and the second without battery. If the customer buys a scooter without a battery, his price will also go down. In this case, customers will be able to use the company’s battery swapping infrastructure to operate the scooter. The scooter has a 48V 39 AH portable lithium-ion battery, which is fully charged in 4-5 hours. It also comes with a 3 year or 5000 km warranty.
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