Do you pick up the phone as soon as you wake up in the morning? The mind’s screw will loose, there are only 2 ways to get rid of it



When we wake up from sleep, we pick up the phone, then we wake up our brain with a straight blow.
When you wake up in the morning, your brain is most used to creative work.
Put the phone in another room while sleeping, and if you want, put it on Flight Mode.

Mobile Phone Side Effects: Smartphone has become the need of today’s time and slowly people are getting addicted to it. Earlier the phone was used only for making calls or sending messages to someone, but now all the work like shopping, ordering food, location sharing, booking tickets for trains, flights or movies are being done from the phone. Now many options have come for entertainment in the smartphone. The craze of short videos has also increased so much that we keep on watching the phone without any work.

Whether it is work or not, the habit of scrolling the phone has increased a lot among people and we have seen ourselves around us that people pick up their phone first thing in the morning. However, this habit can be very harmful for your health.

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to the mind jolted awake:- By scrolling your phone first thing in the morning when you wake up, you force your body and mind to go straight to full alert. In a research, it has been found that during deep sleep, delta waves are formed in our brain and before waking up in the morning, in the condition of half sleep, it turns into theta waves. After this our brain makes alpha waves, although it folds when you are awake but resting by lying on the bed.

Morning time is very important for you:- According to the report of ‘Scientific American’, ‘The state of our brain when theta waves are flowing in it is the right time to consider new ideas or weave dreams. Research also shows that the morning when your brain is in the alpha state is a good time to meditate or exercise. It refreshes your body.

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Disadvantages of picking up the phone as soon as you wake up:- However, when we wake up from sleep and pick up our phone, then we wake up our brain with a straight blow. In this way, theta and alpha states of the brain are released, due to which a state of restlessness and tension arises in our mind. If we see any bad news on waking up in the morning as soon as we pick up the phone, then it affects our mind for the whole day.

what to do instead: Your mind is most attuned to creative work when you wake up in the morning, so use this time to do something that will improve your day and life. It would be better if you wake up in the morning and do things like walking in the park, exercising, meditating.

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How to get rid of the habit of picking up the phone:- However, for this it is necessary to keep the phone side by side and sleep at night and then wake up early in the morning. For this, you can do that before sleeping, put the phone on airplane mode. That way, you won’t get notifications when you wake up.

Apart from this, there is also a way that you keep your phone in another room while sleeping. You will not be able to pick up the phone as soon as you wake up from it. For this you will be forced to get out of bed. In this way, you will gradually get rid of the habit of picking up the phone as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Tags: Mobile Phone, Smartphone, Tech news, Tech news no


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