The case of former Congress President Navjot Singh Sidhu and Akali Dal’s senior leader Bikram Singh Majithia hugging has been discussed a lot. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has also criticized both the leaders. He has shared some lines on his Twitter handle. From which it is becoming clear that they have called Majithia and Sidhu as equals.
In his tweet, it is written, ‘When… those who feed bread to General Dirs, attack religious places, insult Guru Sahib ji, fight the country in the name of religion, make anti-farmer laws, give vehicles to smugglers. Those who sit in the room, those who clap their hands, money from the memorials of martyrs, all the money… they call it “licking the same plate”.
when …
Breadwinners to General Dirs
Tankers at religious places
Those who insult Guru Sahib Ji
Those fighting the country in the name of religion
Anti-farmer law makers
Those who put the smugglers in the vehicles
Those who applaud each other
Money from the memorials of martyrs…— Bhagwant Mann (@BhagwantMann) June 4, 2023
During his visit to Sangrur recently, Bhagwant Mann had said that the mutual understanding of the opposition parties has become evident and people have seen them hugging each other and now people should also become aware. Apart from this, MP Ravneet Bittu also questioned Navjot Sidhu’s attitude and described it as disappointing. He said that for the last six years, Sidhu was saying that the drug dealer Majithia has destroyed the youth of Punjab and now he is hugging him.
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