Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann and Aam Aadmi Party supremo Arvind Kejriwal are in Ludhiana today. Today, he will hold a special meeting with traders and take their pulse as part of a government-liaison meeting there. This meeting is being held to know how satisfied the industry is with the work of the Aam Aadmi Party before the corporation elections and the Lok Sabha elections.
The program will start at 12 pm
CM Bhagwant Mann will reach Radisson Blu at 11.45 am. He will meet the businessmen around 12 o’clock and hold a meeting with them for one and a half hours. Suggestions will also be taken from the businessmen to solve the problems faced in the business. It is being told that the important issue of mixed land use of industrialists can be solved today.
Businessmen are also likely to get a new focal point. Mixed land use industry gets 5 year extension. After which it has to be renewed again.
The demand of the businessmen is that the areas where their factories are located should be declared as industrial areas. In the meeting, the businessmen will also raise the demand for improvement in the NOC process. Some businessmen will also demand the government to create food clusters.
Many units of Ludhiana are exporting. If the government creates a food cluster, the work can be done faster. Industry in mixed land use areas is on the verge of closure.
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