World Cancer Day Day: 350 new incidents every year in Greece

In 350 rise Every year the new incidents children with cancer In Greece, with the corresponding number in Europe to launch in 15,000 per yearas evidenced by the data released on the occasion of World Anti -Cancer Day Today Saturday (15.2.25).

In developed countries 80% of children with cancer healing. But despite the progress of medical science, the 2/3 of children surviving from cancer They continue to face serious long -term side effects due to aggressive therapies.

Also, in developing countries, the percentage of children treated does not exceed 20%, highlighting the need for global policies and initiatives that will enhance equal access to oncological care.

On this occasion, the Pan -Hellenic Federation of Freedom Professional Pediatrics expresses its full support for children and their families, which fight this difficult battle with courage and hope. As he points out, early diagnosis, access to specialized treatment and comprehensive support of children and their families are vital.

“As a libertarian professional pediatricians, we are next to every family and every child, supporting prevention, early recognition of symptoms and referring to appropriate care structures. At the same time, we support the health system of our country, which provides equal and high level of care to all these children, ensuring access to the best possible medical services, ”they say.

New Jobs for Children’s Cancer

Treatment of childhood and adolescent cancer, however, does not lack challenges. As they say, the members of Hellenic Federation of Cancer (ELLOK)providing integrated psychological support services to young patients and family members is of key importance to the treatment of illness and reintegrate children to the community as a whole.

At the same time, providing specialized relief services in difficult cases, but also in painful procedures, is yet another challenge for the health system.

“Facing the special challenges due to the geomorphology of our country, in combination with its health charter, must be part of the state’s plan to reduce inequalities and ensure equal access to citizens living in all areas, Islands, or remote, taking into account the special needs of children, “they say.

Responding to the challenges of children and adolescents with cancer, the Hellenic Federation of Cancer (ELOK) announced the recommendation ‘Childhood Cancer Working Group’with the aim of recording needs and contributing to policies that will improve the care of young patients and supporting their families.

This initiative comes to respond to the above important shortcomings, and special mention is made in the void observed in the transition of children by pediatric oncological care in medical monitoring during adulthood, as there is not yet a structured mechanism for continuing their care.

Right to oblivion

An important step towards supporting child cancer survivors has been the signing of the Code of Conduct for “Right to Overview” – an ELOK initiative aimed at eliminating financial discrimination.

However, after a year of implementation, it is requested to establish it through a relevant bill.

“The signing of a Code of Conduct for ‘Right to Logos’, which was officially announced last year on the initiative of ELOK and the support of the Ministry of Finance and the Association of Insurance Companies is undoubtedly an important step in eliminating financial discrimination and supporting equal Citizens’ dealing with a particularly major impact on the new mainly population and children, who have the most creative phase of life ahead. An important decision, which, after a year of implementation, must go to the next stage that will be the submission of a relevant bill and its vote by the Hellenic Parliament, “ELLOK said.

ELLOK’s working group will also focus on prevention actions, such as HPV vaccination and treatment of childhood obesity, while opening an open invitation to all agencies who wish to contribute to the effort to improve cancer care.

Prevention and early diagnosis

The Panhellenic Federation of Freedom Professionals for its part, stresses that, in addition to therapeutic approaches, child cancer prevention is also critical.

Although we cannot control the genetic factors, as doctors say, there are measures that reduce the risk.

“Avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and regular exercise, limited exposure to radiation and early vaccine coverage against HPV and other infections can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cancer in childhood. The family can play a decisive role in this process by offering a safe and healthy environment for children, ensuring their good health and prosperity, “the free -professional doctors said.

“Children’s cancer can be defeated! Let us join forces to offer these children the future they deserve, “the federation concludes, calling on the state to further support the families that are being tested.



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